Key ele­ment of Mo­bil­ity as a Ser­vice (MaaS) is that MaaS op­er­at­ors can ag­greg­ate solu­tions of mul­tiple trans­port com­pan­ies to de­liver dy­namic, trans­par­ent multi-modal travels to their users, who ex­per­i­ence trans­port­a­tion as man­aged dir­ectly by a single op­er­ator. To en­able MaaS, within the Smart Mo­bil­ity for All EIT Pro­ject, we cre­ated SMAll, a plat­form (and its re­lated wiki) where pro­viders of trans­port solu­tions can trade their in­form­a­tion as well as other ser­vices for mo­bil­ity, like book­ing, pay­ment, and travel as­sist­ance, on de­mand.

SMAll in­cludes the latests tech­no­lo­gies in terms of pro­vi­sion, de­ploy­ment, scal­ing, and main­ten­ance of ap­plic­a­tions: mi­croservices and con­tain­er­isa­tion. In ad­di­tion, SMAll sup­ports the cre­ation of a fed­er­a­tion-based MaaS mar­ket, where a SMAll in­stance is a hub for local (e.g., city-wide) trans­port op­er­at­ors and geo­graph­ic­ally sparse SMAll in­stances can fed­er­ate to form a global mar­ket for MaaS.

To test SMAll, we also im­ple­men­ted pi­lots within the plat­form, col­lab­or­at­ing with the De­part­ment of Trans­port­a­tion of Emilia-Ro­magna re­gion, Lepida S.c.p.A., and Fond­azione Bruno Kessler.

My contribution:

  • Member of the Research Group
  • Platform development.
  • Threat Assessment, MaaS Stack design
Andrea Melis
Andrea Melis
Adjunct Professor
Post-Doc Researcher

Security Enthusiast, CTF Player, Half Nerd/Half Geek.
